bar. Token’s main room is serious retro fun.
Lunch/Dinner at Token
We reserve a seated section of Token Arcade & Kitchen for your group.
Suits groups of 2 - 40 people.
A booking deposit is required and time limit on bookings may apply.
Token Private Hire
Exclusive access to Token Arcade & Kitchen. Includes access to Mario Kart, PS3, PS4, Xbox, fight games. Available till close any night of the week. Great Value.
Booking hire fee $300 and min drink spend $1000 applies.
Beer Garden Private Section
Exclusive access to a roped off section of our Northbourne Avenue beer garden.
Suits groups of 20 - 50 people
Booking hire fee $100 for a 2hr period.
Optional dedicated Tardis Draught Bar ($200 hire fee)
mobile responsitivity

2601 CBR